(You can see my first entry about this book here, and about this deck here.)
After recording my Tarot profile as seen in my first entry about this book, I moved on to a simple three-card spread. I know how to do the cross spread, but for now, we'll stay simple with the three-card. I've always read it as past-present-future, but this book suggests not only that, but also body-mind-spirit. An interesting twist.
Today my three cards are Nine of Pentacles-Ace of Pentacles-Two of Wands (inverted).
If I look at them as Body-Mind-Spirit, I see that I am incredibly wealthy in body (well, yes, I'd like to be a little less so!). My mind is at a peak of power right now, and my spirit is...torn. Torn between two things, distracted, dealing with a loss of faith. At a time when it really should be cementing its dominance.
Perhaps this is telling me I really need to work on letting go of the last bits of indoctrination left over from my conservative Christian upbringing. I still have a little trouble with rituals and overt spellwork; I feel silly calling out aloud to my gods or tracing figures in the air/on the ground. And this is something I need to get over.
I learned the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram from a friend over the weekend. There are parts of it I really like (And around me flames the pentagram, and within me the six-rayed star - I love that. It feels like a shield that doesn't feed solely off my own energy.) and parts that I feel really funny about. (Tracing the pentagram in the air, intoning certain words that have no real meaning to me.) I've already changed some of it; the gods I call upon being the most significant. (Rhiannon before me, behind me Mannanan, to my right Brigid, to my left Cernunnos.) I will probably continue changing it until it feels right to me.
Did any of you have issues with your magic? Did you ever feel silly performing a ritual? Any ideas for how to get over it?
Well, you can "get over it," as you say, or you can find a form that suits you better. Getting over it is really only necessary, IMHO, if you are part of a group/tradition that requires use of such forms.
ReplyDeleteI feel pretty ridiculous doing spellwork most of the time, particularly spellwork in formal ritual. It doesn't suit me, so I focus on the forms of worship and energy work that do suit me.